
"Games are a powerful medium, capable of unique immersive realities that can provide a meaningful way to engage with the world." - Our vision statement

Founded in 2014

Award Winning Creative Studio

Causa Creations is a boutique game development studio located in Vienna, Austria. Originally established in 2014, the independent company is currently helmed by Georg Hobmeier and Ben Wahl.

Our multi-disciplinary team of seasoned developers, artists, and designers is dedicated to crafting fully rounded experiences that not only entertain but engage and inform audiences. Not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get things done, we pride ourselves in the care and attention that comes through in our award-winning work.

We see games not merely as entertaining diversions but as meaningful, enriching experiences that can connect us, challenge our perceptions, and give insights into the world around us. We aim to push the boundaries of what games can do through cutting edge innovation and human-centred design.


Julia Gruber

As a producer Julia is the spine of the company. Holding together the big picture by having her hands on all the strings. She is also all about Kickstarters and Sefirots.

Georg Hobmeier

Born in the mountains of Austria, Georg's career trajectory has taken him from performer to game designer. He stradles the lines between producer, narrative designer, and educator. Georg's artistic sensiblilities & leadership in the industry has helped to push the medium further into new territories... but be warned, hide your chocolate when he enters the room lest he gobble it up.

Milo Loder

Since Milo joined our studio it is overflowing with dozens of rubber ducklings - apparently using them to mark his territory. We are happy to welcome him as a programmer in the team, so now we will also find rubber ducklings embedded in code comments!

Lisley Viraphong

A passionate gamer and Unity developer, Lisley brightens our studio with her infectious enthusiasm and keen work ethic. Her playful prototypes and dedication to problem solving are a great addition to our projects.

Ben Wahl

When Ben isn't modeling figurines in their free time, they're busy building models for us in 3D software. A true generalist, their talents have evolved from graphic design, illustration, & animation to multimedia art & game development. A master craftsperson with a playful spirit, they are the glue that holds the company together.


Gold Extra

Gold Extra

Artist Collective

Adeline Ducker

Adeline Ducker

Artist & Freelancer

Reinhold Bidner

Reinhold Bidner

Artist & Animator

Viktor Morales

Victor Morales

Artist & Animator

Jessica White

Jessica White

Business Development

Jame Patton

James Patton

Game Designer

Thomas Moor

Thomas Moor


Thomas Ortsik
