This is the story of the Norwegian explorer Johan Adrian Jacobsen. From 1881 to 1883 he travelled along the northwestern coasts of the Americas. Commissioned by a support comitee, he purchased and catalogued an immense number of artefacts and objects from local tribes for the German Humboldt Foundation. Totem's Sound is based on his personal accounts. Well, almost. Enjoy a day of Johan's journey, featuring great outdoor activities such as canoe races, collecting clams, not getting eaten by a giant grizzley and of course fish oil binge drinking. Get in contact with the local tribes, that are struggling to preserve their ways of life and their cultures in a rapidly changing world.
Totem's Sound was conceived and produced by gold extra with the support of Causa Creations in the framework of the Humboldt Lab Dahlem, a project by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes in collaboration with the Foundation Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. As part of Rehersal Stage 4 - Travelogue Totem's Sound is being shown in the Museum Dahlen from 23.09.2014 to 08.02.2015.
- Collect 5 different Artifacts
- A very serious but fun RPG
- Pixels by Adeline Ducker!
- Lots of Bears
- Sound and Music by Karl Zechenter
- Amazing World to Explore
- Canoeing, Drinking and Dancing
Trailer / Gameplay — YouTube
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- Gold Extra
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- Humbold Lab Dahlem
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About Causa Creations
- Boilerplate
- Causa Creations is a boutique game development studio located in Vienna, Austria. Originally established in 2014, the independent company is currently helmed by Georg Hobmeier, Ben Wahl and Christian Knapp Our multi-disciplinary team of seasoned developers, artists, and designers is dedicated to crafting fully rounded experiences that not only entertain but engage and inform audiences. Not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get things done, we pride ourselves in the care and attention that comes through in our award-winning work. We see games not merely as entertaining diversions but as meaningful, enriching experiences that can connect us, challenge our perceptions, and give insights into the world around us. We aim to push the boundaries of what games can do through cutting edge innovation and human-centred design.
- More information
- More information on Causa Creations, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Totem's Sound Credits
- Tilmann Hars
- Game Designer
- Georg Hobmeier
- Conceptionista, Narrative Designer
- Adeline Ducker
- Artist, Freelancer
- Brian Main
- Artist, Freelancer
- Karl Zechenter
- Music